Sunday 16 November 2014

What I am doing on Blogger

What I am doing on Blogger - Richard Marshall.

My name is Richard Marshall, I recently started Media Studies A Level. I hope to achieve a C or a higher grade, this is because I enjoy doing Media Studies and filming. The fun part about filming for me is the fact that you get to experiment with different things, and i have always enjoyed filming, because you always get a freedom, you can choose what you want to do, you can create anything from your imagination. And as many people know, i have quite a large imagination like many of my friends. 

Anyway, on Blogger, i hope to inform all who view this about my future film, which has no title yet, but is hopefully going to be action/horror. Although this may be a easy topic to do, as there are so many inspirations, it does not deduct the fact that it is a great genre to work on. You can follow any plot, make it as confusing or easy to understand as possible, whereas with other genres, you are forced upon a certain story, for example, romance, there HAS to be a love interest, but the thing that makes romance interesting is a form of love triangle, without that, it becomes dull. But... with horror or action, there doesn't have to be any specific ideology to it or plot, you just scramble a bunch of characters together and let your imagination sparkle. 

I hope that to all the viewers, you enjoy my posts in the future and find them interesting, and so far, I need a lot of work on filming, but it's all trial and error. 

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