Sunday 16 November 2014

The Dark Knight Opening Analysis

The Dark Knight Opening Analysis. 

Camera Composition: The establishing shot begins with a camera moving forwards, but not zooming into a building where action is being taken place, eventually leading to a long shot of a window being shot. This is then followed by a close shot at eye level of a man, and the a high angle shot, not so much to make them inferior, but to show the direction that they are heading. This then quickly changes scene where the camera is zooming in on a man, and when the character moves, the camera suddenly aims up, so the audience can see the actions happening. Another shot following this is a extreme close-up of wires being set, and then a dolly shot for a split second, then transferring to a rotation downwards. The camera then continues to follow the characters by panning across the scene. There is an over the shoulder shot, which is behind a character in a car, with two people in front, the camera moves and bounces with the car as if it was first person. Later on in the opening scene, There is a dolly shot which follows the characters running.
Sound: During the introduction, the non diegetic music is very quiet and tense, but as the scenes unfold, the music starts becoming even more tense, and carries on playing in the background until about two minutes in when characters start talking. Most of the diegetic sounds consist of the explosion of glass and a contraption shooting a bolt and being loaded. Later on there is a car which suddenly pops up and the audience can hear the tyres screeching as it suddenly brakes.. Then some characters start talking, with mysterious voices, whilst they are talking, another man is loading a gun in the background, and another man cocks the gun. When the characters are outside, the audience can hear their footsteps and a door slam open as they enter a bank.
Mise en scene: In the first scene, it is set in a fictional city, much like New York City. Most of the props consist of joker masks, smart clothing, possibly bullet proof armour and a lot of guns, mainly light guns such as pistols and SMGs (which are typical for a robbery). Because the settings are in a city, most people are middle or upper class, so their apparel would be smart, this could include a black suit or casual jeans. However, there are some other props, which are quite advanced technology, such as bank vault drills. Some other interesting props in the introduction are bags being carried by the robbers.

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