Sunday 16 November 2014

The Hobbit Opening Analysis.

The Hobbit Opening Analysis.

Camera Composition: Strangely, the establishing shot is an extreme close up shot of a hand, and then the camera continues to change to a close shot. Then a character is introduced, The camera slowly pans around a doorway to follow the character for a few seconds, then changes into a low angle shot, when a chest is opened, then transfers using a shot reverse shot to a high angled shot, looking into the chest, this keeps transferring from high to low angle three times,  then continues to follow the same scheme of high and low angle shots, but with a eye level shot twice. Further on in the opening scene, when the man is dipping a feather in ink, the camera focuses on the ink in an extreme close up shot, then maintaining a eye level shot for four seconds. After this there is another extreme close up shot of a sentence being written. After this scene, the camera then proceeds to ''walk'' out of the room, and zooming out of the character. At about 1:04 seconds in, a Bridging shot is introduced, which follows a map, which then zooms in to a city, continuing with a dolly shot.
Sound: The introduction has both a narrator and background music, both categorised as non diegetic. However both of the sounds being played do not overlap each other, so it is easy to hear the narration, but at the same time the audience can hear the music well. Diegetic sound is also being played through these clips. For example, when a match is lit, you can hear it well, and it isnt so loud that it disrupts the narration. The narration then becomes louder and dominates over the music. Also, the audience can hear the character picking items from a chest, for example the crushing of paper to a sword shimmering and him picking up a book then continuing to drop it on a desk gently. the next clip includes a clink of a glass container and scribbling noises, which eventually fade out.
Mise en scene: The items in this opening scene are very fictional, which include swords, old books, feather pens, ink in jars, and candles. On the other hand, there are some items which are quite modern looking, such as stacked desks and flowers in jars. at 00:54 seconds, the camera shows the room, which is quite messy, and full of worn books, but the chair shown is quite fashionable. The clothing worn by the characters is also very interesting, where they are quite well dressed, with clothing which looks quite expensive.

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