Sunday 16 November 2014

The Notebook ( Romance ) Opening analysis

The Notebook: Opening Scene Analysis.

Camera Composition: During the opening scene, for half of the opening, there are quite a few wide shots, which show the scene from quite a distance, there is no focus shots at all, which is quite interesting. The establishing shot is a camera behind a bunch of trees, and looking at the background with a sunset and a person rowing a canoe or a wooden boat of some sort. Most of these shots last for a long time, with the establishing shot lasting about 18 - 20 seconds, whilst other shots mainly consist of being 10 seconds. After the establishing shot we move on to a very wide shot, and then a close up dolly shot of the rower. After this it follows to another extreme wide shot. The camera tends to change every shot from either extremely wide or just to a wide shot, then to a close shot, which is usually following the character. Eventually the audience is led to the house, where a long shot is introduced several times, but suddenly there is an over the shoulder shot of a character, looking out towards the distance, this clip only lasts a few seconds though. After, there is a close shot of the house and birds flying past in the reflection of the windows, and can see a character. And another over the shoulder shot, except a lot closer to the head. Following this, there is ANOTHER over the shoulder shot, where one character is interacting with another, right before the last clip, which is an dolly shot of the rower again.
Mise-en-scene.  There is a very dark lighting all throughout the opening few minutes, however most of the props are water themed, e.g. a boat, a flock of (CGI?) birds. The settings are based on an island, with one house, presumably a couple who are living together and retired.
Sound:  At the first scene, the music starts slowly, with a piano playing in the background, this is the main theme of the non diegetic sound. also, there is no diegetic sound such as rowing or water splashes. For the majority of the opening scene the piano carries on playing, and accompanying the character rowing, as well as the emotions being explored through the music, this is called pathetic fallacy, where the music describes the environment. The piano eventually starts getting louder throughout the opening and then quietens right at the end. The only diegetic sound we are introduced to is an interaction between two characters which is an extremely short clip.

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