Saturday 15 November 2014

Hunger Games: Mockingjay Opening Analysis

Hunger Games: Mocking jay.

Camera Composition:  The establishing shot is of a jet flying over a forest, and the camera is panning up, but is also using a dolly shot. following that is a eye level shot, and the camera has a point of focus on the main character and has an increased depth of field because of that. The next couple of shots are called ''shot reverse shots'', which basically follows a 180 degree rule, and is also a high angle shot to make them both look inferior. also at the scene which was filmed it is a close up, so that the audience are able to see the conversation kind of at a P.O.V. there is a great over the shoulder shot as well which also has blurred out the main character so it could define the other character. There is a dolly shot, or a camera whip ( but I'm not sure ) which follows a jet travelling through the forest again.
There are half a second clips of many different shots, including an extreme close up, over the shoulder shot and many panning shots. there is another wide shot following up.
During another scene where a man is shooting a crossbow, we are first shown to be looking at the character raising the crossbow, and when he shoots, there is an over the shoulder shot, and it still following the 180 degree rule, so that the audience can easily see where they are, and so there isn't a great range of changing in lighting. When some military soldiers are introduced into another scene, there is a low angle shot which makes them more dominant over the situation and gives the characters power.

Mise-en-scene : The characters in this movie are wearing very futuristic styled clothing, such as suits and odd looking jester like outfits (worn by the villains). However there is the occasional man or woman who is dressed very poorly, either they are a very low class citizen are a servant of some sort. The suits worn by most of the characters are very tight fitting, In one clip there seems to be a whole group of people wearing identical clothing, to show either show some communism, that they are all equal, either that or they could be the characters who partake in the Hunger Games. Further on in the trailer the main character (female) is wearing a very tight fitting suit which is probably an armour of some sort, whilst the people in the background are all wearing loose short sleeved shirts and saluting the girl, which could suggest that she is about to do something dramatic and that she has high power in that situation. There are several settings, but most of them consist of the main characters talking to each other, as well as being chased or shot at. Again, most of the things in this movie are very futuristic, a lot like Alien Vs Predator, with floating touch screens and futuristic jets. On the other hand, there are some props which go against the futuristic theme, such as a metal badge, some items of clothing, and a bow and arrow.
                   In one clip, with two high class characters discussing something, the audience is shown that there is a very posh looking house, containing goblets, well made chairs and extremely odd clothing, for example, one man is wearing just white, and the other is wearing a ''Riddler'' type of outfit, following along with pink hair and a sophisticated expression.

Sound: During the first few seconds of the opening, we are introduced to dramatic non-diegetic music, and the music carries on through a few of the clips, which co-operates with a narration given by the main character. The music then halts when an important sentence is spoken in a clip, the music then changes to a happier type of music, and gets much louder but then gets dramatic again and quietens but not fully stops when another important character is introduced and speaks and the music then gets louder and continues for most of the opening. During the end of the trailer, the music starts changing and suddenly stops when an explosion takes place, following the logo of the movie and a short whistle.
For the diegetic sounds, there is a narration at the beginning of the film, and then the character continues to narrate through a few clips, and then a man starts talking and informs the main character with wise words, and everything else is silent, no other sounds are introduced, (Other than music). A few clips later after dramatic music, a man raises a cross-bow and fires it, and the audience can hear the rope tightening and then the bolt being released, following an explosion which takes over the music for a split second. Another scene we are introduced to, is A group of soldiers shooting at a large group of civilians charging at them. There are a few sounds in the background, such as a waterfall, guns being shot and the sound of the group yelling at the soldiers. When a building crashes down, we can hear the rubble falling over, for a split second as if we were the characters running away.
      I think the the best scene for diegetic sound is when an important building or dam is blown up, as the audience can hear the massive explosions from a distance (where the camera is placed) and water bursting through the broken walls, following a crumbling sound. The last clip is where an arrow is shot towards a jet, which explodes and crashes into another jet, ending a scene.

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