Friday 14 November 2014

Preliminary Task 1 Evaluation

Preliminary Task 1 Evaluation.

For this task, I had to follow the 180 degree rule, which meant that I had to film everything in a 180 degree space, to make the audience feel welcome and so that they can understand the environment. However, our group managed to forget about it so we ended up filming random clips at different angles. Which wasn't a major problem, but it can be easily fixed now that I know what to do.

The main task was to film a room, with two people talking to each other, the main shots were shot reverse shot, close shot, and over the shoulder shot. however the over the shoulder shot was filmed on separate shoulders, so this meant that the room looked different, as the lighting changes from each clip. although I have been taught now to follow the 180 line rule, and the camera should be filmed from the same angle on these type of shots.

Another problem with the filming was trying to get each word to be identical, but we failed to do so, which led us to relying on quick editing to separate the sentences so that we could make the clips shorter and so that they can make sense. What we should have done is made two different conversations which would have made the editing a lot easier, and that it would make a lot of sense.

The editing process was quite good, we managed to use smooth cutting from clip to clip, so that it looked a bit smoother during the filming, which was a good improvement and just sufficed for our project.
 also, the camera wasn't too steady during the filming, but it wasn't a major fault and can be worked on. the cutting from clip to clip made it look a lot smoother, and the over the shoulder shot made it look a lot smoother as there was little camera shake during that scene.
Also during the introduction, where I enter the room, there are two short clips of the door, a close shot and an extreme close up.

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