Wednesday 17 December 2014

Titles and Logos studies

 the title of Scarface has blood red font connoting danger and murder, this is evident as there is a lot of murder within the movie as it is a action/crime genre. the background colour is also black made purposely to mix in with the colour red, connoting darkness and mystery, this is true as the movie has mystery surrounding tony Montana's rise to power, and his even being there in Miami. the font size is bold it is made to stand out and warn people of the movie almost, because of the gore and violence it has. it might also represent tony Montana's fiery temper as he kills his best friend in the movie while on a cocaine-fuelled rage.
 batman the dark knight's title is dark and dingy it also has the image of the bat on it as this is batman's chosen symbol to fight crime as. the dark symbolism connotes fighting and mystery, this is essentially true as batman's identity is shrouded in mystery his alter-ego Bruce Wayne is the polar opposite instead of being rich and eccentric he is violent and scary, the darkness also connotes batman's use of instilling fear into his enemies and taking advantage of that fear to utterly decimate his opponents, the font size is pretty small compared to Scarface, the movie also uses hand to hand combat a lot. as we are in our movie/film.

the undisputed 2 title/logo uses white colour font with red colour font showing the number 2 with letters, it also has the sentence 'last man standing' below it. It connotes violence and fighting, almost like gladiatorial combat this is true because the movie is about fighting and brutal combat, the sentence last man standing implies that there might be death within the movie for the fight to be the best, and what it takes to be the best fighter. the font size is also small compared to Scarface, almost deceptive.

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