Friday 5 December 2014

Character List

Lewis Hall - Taller than average with an athletic muscular build and overall quite tanned complexity with dark brown wavy hair.

Scott Maxwell - Average height with an athletic but small build with quite pale complexity with long brown dark hair.

Filthy Frank - Tall with a slim and skinny build and overall pale complexity with short brown hair.

Andrew McGregor – Short with athletic build with average complexity not to pale but not to tanned and with short brown hair.

Jonas Derus – Average height with a slim build with a pale complexity with medium blond hair.

Kristupas Andris – Tall with muscular build with a slightly tanned complexity with short buzz cut brown hair.

Vladmir Gaida – Short with endomorphic build with a pale complexity with medium brown hair.
Darius Lanka – Average height with athletic build with average complexity with short brown hair.


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