Friday 5 December 2014

Genre Research - Crime/Action

Generally, crime films include a group of villains, and a protagonist or a police force of some sort. Also there are a lot of fight scenes and drug busts. Occasionally, there is a corrupt police force and one protagonist who fights off the corrupt police force and 'saves the day'. Most of the villains in crime films consist of ex military, drug addicts, chavs, foreign and criminals or gangsters. The plot is usually that the criminals or drug addicts meet up with a rich foreign man with tough bodyguards, something goes wrong and they end up fighting. However there is a protagonist, such as a detective or some sort of ex-military man who takes care of the situation and resolves the story.

In crime/gangster films, The story usually goes through the life of a main villain or protagonist, and usually includes the rise and fall of a gangster or mobster and to highlight their life throughout the story. and how they struggle with law and passing through conflict with the law. Also, most of the gangster/crime films are generally placed in a rural setting, such as a city or a busy town, so that it shows how close crime is to the real life situation. however some other crime films may continue in foreign countries. A good example of this is Taken, which goes through the story of a girl who travels to France and is kidnapped by a group of sex traffickers, which again is very stereotypical because the villains are foreign.

With Action films, they generally contain a main protagonist along with other less important protagonists. Also, there are a lot of explosions and weapons being used along with an occasional close quarter fight with the main protagonist with the villain. The story generally is set in a foreign country and the villain is very powerful and rich, who usually owns a company of some sort which becomes corrupt.

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