Thursday 11 December 2014

Diegetic + Non-Diegetic sounds for opening movie scene.

Diegetic sounds - we would like to limit diegetic sounds as much as we can, this is because a lot of Non-diegetic sounds would cover over most of the opening. however, the diegetic sounds we would like to have are the voices of characters interacting with each other. Also, we would probably include some clips with the sounds of wind. On the establishing shot, I would like to include just the sounds from filming the clip, for example because it will be on a rooftop it will hopefully be quite windy. However if the quality of the sound is quite low, we will probably include a soundboard or something of wind so as to make it non diegetic (if we have to). There will be various other diegetic sounds such as footsteps, doors opening and creaking of the floor. We may also include some other sounds but they may not be for definite.

Non-diegetic sounds - For this, we would like to include quite a few more non diegetic sounds than diegetic sounds. This is generally because the sounds are of a greater quality, and because they are created from the internet they can be easily edited. The sounds we would prefer to include would be punching sounds, which initially creates half of the punch itself because of camera techniques and angles. another few sounds we would like to add which usually are in action films is a narration at the beginning, however we may try to add a narration further into the story but we would like to limit it as much as possible so that it does not become overused at all.

I think that the music that we would input into our opening two minutes would be quite low quality because it has to be non-copyright. however if we have to during the chase scenes or fight scenes we will include some music, which would hopefully make it all co-operate a lot easier during editing.

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