Tuesday 28 October 2014

Horror: Target Audience.

Horror: Target Audience.

Generally, Older people are a lot less likely to view horror films, as they have seen it so many times, and the gore may become too much, because some horror movies repeat themselves, and have a boring plot, or maybe in general it just doesn't appeal to them at all. 

With the stereotypes of gender, females are a lot less likely to be watching horror movies than males, this is because many men seek to be thrilled by gore, violence and death. but females however would be more into romantic films as it suits their needs, and the protagonist is generally a female, so they can relate to each other through similar stories. 


Generally people who view horror movies are quite young, as it appeals to them more. Most people at a young age have fears which are thrown into the movies, so they feel that they can connect more and understand the movie more and be in that situation. Young ages between 15 and late 20's. Horror movies allow people to be thrilled and be introduced to sudden jump scares because it is thrilling. 

Also, most middle class people prefer to watch horror movies, this is due to the average costs of the movies, whereas it is not nearly as expensive as going to watch a romance film,  and the higher level of satisfaction people gain from watching this genre.

Other than this, there may occasionally be a young couple who would like to see a horror movie as a date, because it is cheaper and would be more appealing to them as they are most likely young and seeking a thrill.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Favorite Film Genre

My favorite genre.

My favourite genre in movies is horror, although I mainly prefer ‘zombie’ horrors as they offer a lot of action ( which I also like ). There is a lot of effort which goes into it such as editing, acting, make-up and the time to create it all.

I have two preferred horror films, Zombie land and Shaun of the Dead, both being exceptional and tense whilst also maintaining some comedic value to it. Shaun of the dead has great actors, including Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Kate Ashfield. A lot of effort went into making the film, especially the make-up and making the story, whilst it is dramatic and funny at the same time. To be able to make that kind of film it takes a lot of effort which makes the film even more respectable.
Another benefit of horror movies is that they release built-up tension, and people have their own personal fear level, and sometimes they can be triggered, which makes the film even better. Horror films are also great because they all have individual traits to them. 

Another reason why I prefer horror movies is because I like being thrilled, and a great plot and acting means that it is a great movie (in my opinion). Although I realise it adds to the stereotype of young people enjoying horror more than older people, horror movies are ideal for me because I am quite active and I enjoy thinking out plots throughout the film, so I can really be immersed as i think what i personally would do in that situation, and it become even more exciting for me.

Horror movie Analysis : Zombieland

Horror Movie analysis : Zombieland.

Firstly, the opening 2 minutes includes the main feautures of romance, horror and especially... comedy! The intro has a very large compilation of zombies attacking humans, in slow motion. This has a big affect to the viewers because they see the comedic value in the movie, as well as the horror of a zombie apocalypse. There are several shots throughout the two minute intro, mainly set in the city, but several other clips shot in towns and in nature, for example a wedding scene at the beginning.
You are introduced to the movie with the idea that the zombie apocalypse was a complete surprise, as people are panicking and trying to run away.

During the opening few minutes of this movie, there is a violin choir playing, quite loudly, and two of the main characters are introduces, suddenly it fades and the a man is playing a banjo, attracting a zombie. who grunts and chases them. ( the grunting is a low pitch ). The music then changes into a major tone (happy) and then the introduction begins, where a narration from the main character is introduced. Quite a good thing about this movie is, that all throughout the film, we are narrated by the main character, who informs us of what is going on. although it may be confusing to some viewers as they are watching the character whilst he talks in the background, it is quite a clever technique. Another confusing thing about the opening two minutes is that the editors used satyr, they added happy music to a unhappy, panic ridden scene. A lot of the sound is Diegetic, and the voices vary from a deep voiced zombie to a young child zombie with a high pitched voice, including a lot of screaming as characters are being chased. In one clip where a man is driving down a motorway, he opens his door to hit a zombie, and the audience is also introduced to the sound as if they were there.

Camera angles.
There are many great camera angles shown in the opening two minutes. but during the first few, the main shots are low angles and medium shots. the low angles show that the character is inferior but also shows in great detail the story. I think that the reason the director chose these shots is that they want to make the characters look like they are panicking and inferior as the zombie apocalypse happens  however there are a few eye level shots, but the best one is when a group of zombies are chasing a man and his child, this shows the background as well as all the characters in the scene. Also, there are many close shots to the characters, as they are talking a lot, the camera angles the shot at eye level, so that the audience is equal to the character. Following this, there are a few dolly shots, which follow the character whilst facing them down a hallway, similar to many shooting action films.

Mise en scene
Although the main character isn't shown in this opening scene, we are introduced to a few characters who don't have an important role in the movie, but they show clearly that they are average people, because of their clothing. Anyway, most of the characters are zombies in the first 2 opening minutes.
Most of the characters in this movie are wearing smart clothing, which is to show that they are upper class citizens. also, some characters are lower class citizens, and are wearing quite old clothing, but the settings are in the city, where weddings are taking place and people are carrying on their daily lives.

Genre Conventions

Genre Conventions.
Film Titles
 Fights, explosions, hero, heroine, death, love scene.
Expendables 1+2+3 James bond Indiana jones, Sherlock.
Death, gore, blood, scary imagery,
Zombieland, Saw,
Love, couple, arguments, plot twist
Love actually, sex tape, Romancing the stone
Traveling, active characters.
Lara croft : tomb raider
Silly plot, Jokes, idiot characters,  
Dumb and dumber

A genre convention is a typical or standard trope of plot, character, setting, icon, theme, or effect in a genre story. For instance, in a Western it is conventional to have the heroes wear white hats and the villains wear black hats (icon convention) Or in the superhero genre, it is a convention to have the characters wear costumes (icon convention). The easiest way to spot a genre convention is to think about the trope being placed in another genre. For instance in a Western, a church is a sign of civilization and the East; but in a romantic comedy, a church is a sign of reconciliation (through marriage) of the main characters, who usually get married.

Codes and Conventions of Romance

Codes and Conventions of Romance.

Romance films mainly consist of a female, male and someone in-between, which creates a form of 'love triangle'. It immerses the audience to have different opinions of each character as well.
1. Establishing character also an equilibrium
2. There’s a disruption
3. recognition
4. Trying to repair
5. Quick cuts of past love
6. Last few shots of love the problem, which flips back and forth between the past love and the disruption.

Also, in romance films there are rural settings, for example in the city, town or a park. and work or school has a big part to play in the genre of romance. most romance films are viewed more by females than males, this is because generally the main character is a female and a casual man. Romance film can be defined as a genre wherein the plot revolves around the love between two protagonists. This genre usually has a theme that explores an issue within love, including but not limited to: love at first sight, forbidden love, love triangles, and sacrificial love. The tone of Romance film can vary greatly. Whether the end is happy or tragic, Romance film aims to evoke strong emotions in the audience.

Romantic Drama: Romantic Drama film is a genre that explores the complex side of love. The plot usually centers around an obstacle that is preventing love between two people. The obstacles in Romantic Drama film can range from a family's disapproval, to forbidden love, to one's own psychological restraints. Many Romantic Dramas end with the lovers separating because of the enormity of the obstacle, the realization of incompatibility, or simply because of fate.


Action Film Genre target audience

Action Genre Target Audience


Most action films are going to attract male attention, this is mainly because of the sterotypes of violence, big muscles and fighting. in transformers 3, there were 72% of males whilst the rest were female viewers. also, some females might be offended by some scenes in action movies, such as loud explosions, which cause shock to anxious people.

Class and Race

Generally, action films are viewed by middle class citizens and lower class, this is because they are generally cheaper but at the same time they appeal to a wide range of audience. it would also appeal to this type of class because generally the villian is foreign and affectionate, whilst the hero is a sterotypical emotionless musclehead.


The usual age range for action films is 15 and above, generally stopping late 20's. this is because there is a lot of movement, adrenaline and chase scenes which gets the audience to feel like they are interacting with the film, and increases the intensity. many young people enjoy action films because it suits their idealistic views of fighting, shotting and explosions, because of the wider imagination.


In action films, the actors are generally male heroes and villains, and there is a damsel is distress, generally they are upper class or middle class people. the settings are mostly set in a foreign country, and the villain wears smart yet fancy clothing, the hero usually wears a tank top with revealing clothing, to show off muscle, and the damsel is either wearing torn clothing or a posh dress. the villain is also a foreigner, and in the middle east. The props include many guns, bullet proof glass on Humvees and large vehicles, a mansion and a rich businessman.


Insidious 2 Opening Scene Analysis ( horror )

Insidious 2 opening scene. - Horror.

 Insidious 2 starts off as a jumpscare, where you see a lonely woman in a dark room staring into the distance, and a man is behind her, and places his hand on her shoulder, which introduces the audience to the idea that the genre of the film is Horror. in that short clip, there are two ''over the shoulder'' camera angles ,which introduces the audience to the characters and intrigues the audience. Whilst there is a sudden high pitch of violins playing to enforce the jumpscare.

We are then introduced to a scene of crime, where all of the main characters enter the room the woman and man are in, and they both act in shock as they find out the woman's mother was lying dead on the sofa in the middle of the room, which adds an aura of confusion for the audience because of the odd setting. Music is still going and intensifies as the characters' tensify.

After the first scene, the audience is brought into an interrogation scene, where an officer is questioning the woman about his husband who had supposedly killed her mother because he was possessed by a demon ( unknown at this point ) , the music stops and the voices are louder so we are brought into the story further. There are also a lot of over the shoulder shots throughout this whole clip, and a few 'mugshots'. Near the end of this scene, the camera zooms into the womans face, showing her emotions of sadness, shock and confusion, and makes the audience feel sorry for her.

The film genre is definitely horror, because there is death, sinister environments and a lot of things happening, engages the audience through intensity and the characters, and we can see that there is a lot of confusion in the trailer.

The audience for this film would generally be from teenagers to later 30's. this is because it is very tense and requires a mild understanding of certain things to fully immerse in the films, whereas the younger generations might not be well educated on ghosts or an ouija board.


Codes and Conventions of Horror

Codes and conventions of a horror genre
Horrors are unsettling films that are designed to:
• Frighten and cause Panic
• They are supposed to create dread and alarm the audience
• They are supposed to Invoke our hidden and most worst fears
• They often contain a terrifying and shocking ending
• Designed to scare the audience as well as entertain.

Most horror movies are made to scare, and to entertain, yet someone some even manage to find your fears and exploit them. There are many great horror movies, such as the Conjuring and Insidious, which not only have great actors, but the story is simply amazing.

However, you do come across many things is horror, one of them being clichés. It usually ends up as a group of teenagers or young adults travelling to an isolated area for a holiday or college work, and then finding themselves being killed one by one by a mysterious creature which had somehow acquired several farm tools, the most brutal ones at that.

There are also many enigma codes in horror films, where people keep mysteriously disappearing, especially in Friday the 13th, with Jason Voorhees. The characters in this film keep getting killed and people disappear whilst a certain character is left alone in the woods to fend for themselves and find their friends, but there are certain clues left which brings the audience further into the story as they try and figure it out themselves.

There is a lot of very interesting diegetic sound, for example when you are brought to eye level of a certain character hiding from a villain, music stops and you are drawn into the sound of loud thuds of footsteps either above them or around them, and then suddenly the door slams open and the character is swung out to be killed or something brutal along those lines.

Also, with camera shots, there are mostly dolly shots of people running, where the camera follows the character running through a woods.

Friday 17 October 2014

The Conjuring Opening scene (horror)

The Conjuring.

The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga star as Ed and Lorraine Warren, who were American paranormal investigators and authors associated with prominent cases of haunting.

Main characters.

In the first few scenes, we are introduced to the main characters in an interview with an advisor for some sort of paranormal activities. the audience recognises these people as the main character because there are quite a few close up shots and the camera is at eye level to these characters. The main characters are average middle class white women, which is a general target in horror movies because they are sterotyped as vulnerable.

Camera angles.

The very first scene in this opening is an extreme close up to a main villain called Annabelle, which slowly pans out to reveal a side of her face. the next scene there are many cmaera angles, but mainly consisting of eye level shots, shallow focus ( to show the importance of the character in the middle talking ). The establishing shot is taken in a room, possibly in a flat, which creates quite an eerie scene. whilst the three main characters are talking, the camera zooms out to show a medium shot. during the next scene the camera does a technique called whip pan, which shows the character's expression quickly, but also introducing the audience to the character Annabelle again.


The clothing worn by these characters are generally worn by the public, so it shows that they are like any other people. they don't have especially rich clothing, but they have good clothing, which makes them middle class citizens. The main prop in the film is the doll Annabelle, which is shown to be possessed by a demonic figure. this entitles the audience to feeling an eerie aura of fear as they discover what the prop really is and it's importance in the film. 

Following this, we ( the audience ) are shown into a small room where the main characters had important items such as images and wallpapers, had been scratched and blood smeared all over them. Another very important item in a sheet of paper which says, '' Miss me? ''. which in itself is quite creepy. 


There are some clichés in the opening two minutes, which is often seen in paranormal horror films. Such things as young adults and teenagers, which are targeted by horror quite frequently and also seem to be easy prey to demons and villains. Another easy cliché to spot out is the fact that there is a ghost possessing an inanimate object such as dolls or odd items which are hard to find. 


Generally people who view horror movies are quite young, as it appeals to them more. Most people at a young age have fears which are thrown into the movies, so they feel that they can connect more and understand the movie more and be in that situation. Young ages between 15 and late 20's. Horror movies allow people to be thrilled and be introduced to sudden jump scares because it is thrilling.