Thursday 23 October 2014

Horror movie Analysis : Zombieland

Horror Movie analysis : Zombieland.

Firstly, the opening 2 minutes includes the main feautures of romance, horror and especially... comedy! The intro has a very large compilation of zombies attacking humans, in slow motion. This has a big affect to the viewers because they see the comedic value in the movie, as well as the horror of a zombie apocalypse. There are several shots throughout the two minute intro, mainly set in the city, but several other clips shot in towns and in nature, for example a wedding scene at the beginning.
You are introduced to the movie with the idea that the zombie apocalypse was a complete surprise, as people are panicking and trying to run away.

During the opening few minutes of this movie, there is a violin choir playing, quite loudly, and two of the main characters are introduces, suddenly it fades and the a man is playing a banjo, attracting a zombie. who grunts and chases them. ( the grunting is a low pitch ). The music then changes into a major tone (happy) and then the introduction begins, where a narration from the main character is introduced. Quite a good thing about this movie is, that all throughout the film, we are narrated by the main character, who informs us of what is going on. although it may be confusing to some viewers as they are watching the character whilst he talks in the background, it is quite a clever technique. Another confusing thing about the opening two minutes is that the editors used satyr, they added happy music to a unhappy, panic ridden scene. A lot of the sound is Diegetic, and the voices vary from a deep voiced zombie to a young child zombie with a high pitched voice, including a lot of screaming as characters are being chased. In one clip where a man is driving down a motorway, he opens his door to hit a zombie, and the audience is also introduced to the sound as if they were there.

Camera angles.
There are many great camera angles shown in the opening two minutes. but during the first few, the main shots are low angles and medium shots. the low angles show that the character is inferior but also shows in great detail the story. I think that the reason the director chose these shots is that they want to make the characters look like they are panicking and inferior as the zombie apocalypse happens  however there are a few eye level shots, but the best one is when a group of zombies are chasing a man and his child, this shows the background as well as all the characters in the scene. Also, there are many close shots to the characters, as they are talking a lot, the camera angles the shot at eye level, so that the audience is equal to the character. Following this, there are a few dolly shots, which follow the character whilst facing them down a hallway, similar to many shooting action films.

Mise en scene
Although the main character isn't shown in this opening scene, we are introduced to a few characters who don't have an important role in the movie, but they show clearly that they are average people, because of their clothing. Anyway, most of the characters are zombies in the first 2 opening minutes.
Most of the characters in this movie are wearing smart clothing, which is to show that they are upper class citizens. also, some characters are lower class citizens, and are wearing quite old clothing, but the settings are in the city, where weddings are taking place and people are carrying on their daily lives.

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