Tuesday 28 October 2014

Horror: Target Audience.

Horror: Target Audience.

Generally, Older people are a lot less likely to view horror films, as they have seen it so many times, and the gore may become too much, because some horror movies repeat themselves, and have a boring plot, or maybe in general it just doesn't appeal to them at all. 

With the stereotypes of gender, females are a lot less likely to be watching horror movies than males, this is because many men seek to be thrilled by gore, violence and death. but females however would be more into romantic films as it suits their needs, and the protagonist is generally a female, so they can relate to each other through similar stories. 


Generally people who view horror movies are quite young, as it appeals to them more. Most people at a young age have fears which are thrown into the movies, so they feel that they can connect more and understand the movie more and be in that situation. Young ages between 15 and late 20's. Horror movies allow people to be thrilled and be introduced to sudden jump scares because it is thrilling. 

Also, most middle class people prefer to watch horror movies, this is due to the average costs of the movies, whereas it is not nearly as expensive as going to watch a romance film,  and the higher level of satisfaction people gain from watching this genre.

Other than this, there may occasionally be a young couple who would like to see a horror movie as a date, because it is cheaper and would be more appealing to them as they are most likely young and seeking a thrill.

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