Thursday 23 October 2014

Favorite Film Genre

My favorite genre.

My favourite genre in movies is horror, although I mainly prefer ‘zombie’ horrors as they offer a lot of action ( which I also like ). There is a lot of effort which goes into it such as editing, acting, make-up and the time to create it all.

I have two preferred horror films, Zombie land and Shaun of the Dead, both being exceptional and tense whilst also maintaining some comedic value to it. Shaun of the dead has great actors, including Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Kate Ashfield. A lot of effort went into making the film, especially the make-up and making the story, whilst it is dramatic and funny at the same time. To be able to make that kind of film it takes a lot of effort which makes the film even more respectable.
Another benefit of horror movies is that they release built-up tension, and people have their own personal fear level, and sometimes they can be triggered, which makes the film even better. Horror films are also great because they all have individual traits to them. 

Another reason why I prefer horror movies is because I like being thrilled, and a great plot and acting means that it is a great movie (in my opinion). Although I realise it adds to the stereotype of young people enjoying horror more than older people, horror movies are ideal for me because I am quite active and I enjoy thinking out plots throughout the film, so I can really be immersed as i think what i personally would do in that situation, and it become even more exciting for me.

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