Wednesday 15 April 2015

Director's commentary and Feedback

This is our Directors commentary, where we discussed what our film was about and where we filmed it, as well as talking briefly about where we filmed, what we felt was good about our filming and how we overcame the obstacles of our filming.

I thought that the feedback for our film by our classmates was very useful because we were able to understand other people's viewpoints and see what their opinions of the film was, so that we could improve it for the next time we film. Also, because we had feedback on our film, we were able to widen our point of view and be able to realise what we did wrong, rather than having to think to ourselves and confuse ourselves because we did the film ourselves, so it would be easier to spot the mistakes if another person was watching, this is why we found the feedback especially useful.


Preliminary task.

This is our Preliminary task, which we had been given a few shots to practice, e.g. shot reverse shot and behind the shoulder shots, which we were to explore around and try to use in order to make a short clip.

Blogger Opening 2 minutes film: Addiction.

This is our Opening Two minutes of our Film, the link takes you to my channel and the videos which we have posted on it, however Ieuan Metzeger Phillips has one video of our Preliminary task.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation task 5

YouTube Annotations
The first two annotations start as our film starts and last for seven seconds. We really didn’t have much to annotate for our film so we said to anyone watching the video to like and subscribe and we linked another video which Ieuan had made to our other annotation.
We also linked another video which Ieuan made to our video and it pops up at 14 seconds and lasts for another seven seconds.
For the annotations using the graph below the video we were able to control where and when the annotations popped up and for how long for.

We were also able to choose the font of the annotations and edit individual annotations for colour aswell.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Evaluation task 8

targets for next year:
for G324 next year we hope to make progress in our film-making to improve the quality and efficiency of our filming and to generally make it look more professional. we also could add a few touches to our film trailer to make it look top-notch for example we could have included more titles and credits of the names of the people acting within the trailer. Also we could improve the editing by making the cuts faster paced and make the film just as action based but also more efficient. but also we could get rid of cuts in the film which weren't as good for example theirs a scene in the film trailer where it goes from morning to night, we need to get rid of this and cut that out as it makes our trailer look unprofessional and cheesy.

mise en scene- for the mise en scene for our next film trailer we aim to improve the location of our film trailer hopefully somewhere with better scenery than oxshott. also we could improve the props and costumes instead of hoodies and jeans, we could have business clothing like suits.

editing- we could improve the cuts and shot angles by including a variety of shots and angle compositions to make it more elegant and more like a actual film trailer.

sound- we could improve the sound quality and maybe add in more non-copyright music to fit in with the mood of the scene at the time. this will make our trailer better and superior overall.

Evaluation task 6

Technologies from the process of constructing our product:

The technologies which are involved in the process of us constructing our product involve a camera, computer

From using the computer we used such programmers as adobe premiere elements to render and edit the film footage. We also used adobe premiere elements to add in music to our trailer, and we also used it to put in title sequences and credits however in the end we chose not to put in that many credits, because of personal preference, we only mainly put the title of our movie in.  And we also got rid of any outtakes we had as we would not need this as it wasn't part of the actual film so therefore it was cut out and deleted in total we had over 150 outtakes. We also used YouTube as another programme we would use YouTube to upload the videos of our footage and the actual trailer itself on to Richards account. as well as that we also used blogger to upload the editing and the different shots of our film, we use blogger to also publish the film trailer and make sure it is up to scratch.

another technology we used was the camera we used to film the actual footage of our trailer/film at first when we used the camera when we filmed in Guildford, it ran out of charge/battery easily, so therefore we previously had to use Ieuan's phone to take footage, next time we filmed in oxshott instead of Guildford and London as in London the abandoned hospital we originally had wanted to film in would most likely be closed and Guildford the trains kept on cancelling so we decided it would be easier to film in oxshott. Overall it was more efficient to film in oxshott. And our camera generally was alright to use, we also used a tripod along with the camera to take different angles and shots, such as close-up shots, mid-shots and birds-eye-view shots. The camera generally was simple and easy to use. However if the charge was more efficient it could have been even better. The tripod would help steady the camera for the film trailer and the different shots and camera angles and composition. This would help make it more professional and reduce the chances of the camera shaking or any inaccuracies with the shots.

Evaluation Task 7

What have we learnt about editing and camera work since our preliminary task?

We had learnt many things about camera composition, and using different camera shots to enhance scenes in a clip. For example, when Lewis Hall is kicked, We used a dolly shot which followed him flying in the air and landing on the ground. and we used another dolly shot when Lewis hall is walking around the Hut, and Filthy Frank ambushes him. 
Another example which we learnt from our preliminary task and put into our opening two minutes was a match on action shot. The main reason we did this in was because it also enhances the chain of clips, as the audience is introduced to what the character is doing, and is seen clearly, for example, in our main shot (below), we used match on action to show Filthy Frank picking up the gun and hitting Lewis Hall with it. 

In our preliminary task, we were able to use the 180 degree rule, however we did not use this method correctly because we did not film off the same side, e.g. which is evident in the following two pictures, however in our main film we were able to take a perfect shot reverse shot but could not include one side of the shot, so it just made the shot a over the shoulder shot. The reason i did not include the 180 degree shot reverse shot was because it would have gone over the time allowed for the opening two minutes.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Evaluation Task 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Key character: Andrew Mcgregor.

Although our mise en scene ( apparel ) was different to most drug dealers, we tried to keep the character ''shady'' by making him seem restless and quite a fidgety person, however most drug dealers in films generally wear normal clothing and can sometimes wear clothing which is upper class, such as tuxedos, however we wanted to show that the drug dealers were from the lower/ middle class and had money issues because of an addiction, and wouldn't be able to afford a suit or tuxedo. the role in the film for the Andrew Mcgregor is not very important, but instead worked together with Filthy Frank for the drug deal, and was only a counterpart for the plot, however he did play a role in the drug deal which is why Lewis Hall threatens him, but is also close friends with Filthy Frank. 

Friday 6 March 2015

Commentary Script

Commentary Script
This is a commentary by the director of the film addiction.
Since we were filming an action film we wanted to use a range of different shots and put at least three to capture each sequence to make it seem more fast paced but for the chase and fight scene we used more to capture more detail and make it more interesting to watch.

For the editing since we had so many separate shots it became quite challenging and to us a while to put all the clips into the film and cut them down to size so they ran smoothly and didn’t look clunky.

For sound we added quite intense fast paced music and we turned it down during the dialogue so you could hear what they were saying.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Evaluation Activity 1 - nine frames.

TITLE: Although we didn't include the title of the film in the actual two minute clip, we did include it as a title for the you tube video, this was mainly because we wanted to cut down on time and be able to include as much time as we can of the film. the title was mainly influenced by the fact that our story is about a drug deal, and the word Addiction was best suited towards this fact. this has conformed to the conventions of an action film because it introduces the screenplay well and the company beforehand.
STORY: Lewis Hall is a combat addicted ex-soldier who goes after drug gang for kicks and Andrew McGregor who is just a junkie buying weed off one of the main drug suppliers Filthy Frank. At the start of the film Lewis Hall is spying on the drug deal waiting for an opportunity to intercept the drug deal. This works well with the conventions of action films because it is sudden and fast paced, where like some action films are quite fast paced at the beginning to throw the audience into the scene.
Characters Introduced: We introduced our characters mainly at the beginning of the short film, and this was mainly because we wanted to quickly get the audience to understand what is happening, as the protagonist, Lewis hall is introduced right at the beginning, it is seen that he is spying on a man, who is later then introduced talking to another antagonist. This conforms with action films because when most characters are introduced they are usually walking around, especially in Drug themed movies/ Crime movies.
 SETTINGS: We set this film at a scout hut in Oxshott, our main reason for this was because it was quite secluded, and we could rent out the area for the day and be able to hold one of ieuan's bb guns without people wanting to call the police on us thinking we are holding a real gun. The place had lots of trees around it so it allowed for some good lighting which we could use to our advantage. The setting conforms with the conventions of a action/crime film because it is secluded and is quite synonymous with a area which drug dealers would be in.
CAMERA WORK: for our camera work and editing, we had mainly relied on the tripod to help us film and keep the camera stabilized throughout our filming. also, we had tried many different shot types and experimented with mixing up shots in order to create a chain of events which could gradually work together and form a clip. also, the editing process was quite vigorous because we had to ensure that the music was fitting, as well as cutting and editing each clip, as well as shortening and lengthening the shots using various tools on adobe premier elements. Our camera shots conform with action and crime film style camera shots because they are relatively quick and sudden, and most are shot reverse shot from the fighters if there is a fight scene.
SPECIAL EFFECTS: because we filmed an action film, we had generally thought that our initial plan was to avoid so much special effects, however we did decide to add certain sound effects to enhance the fight scene, because it ensured that the ''hits'' would have an actual impact ( through the viewer's eyes ) and so that was the only special effect we really used, apart from the introduction where it fades from our logo to the start on the opening two minutes. This conforms with the conventions of action films because most action films and crime films have very little effects, for example. there is an occasional gun shot but in action/ crime films is very rare and only happens at least twice at a gun fight around the plot. also, because the fight scenes make up most of action films, this means that very little effects are needed, there may be an occasional blood splatter or saliva being thrown across the room because they got knocked out, but we decided to try to avoid all of this as we wanted to keep it simple as much as we could.
Genre and how the opening suggests it.
Our film is a action/crime film, and because of this we needed to acquire music which helps influence things such as chase scenes and fight scenes, which are in almost all action films. The opening suggests that this film is an action/ crime theme because the intro is very quick and sudden, and the music is quite loud, and there is no real introduction to the characters because of the tense moment which the audience is suddenly thrown into, where Lewis Hall is spying on Filthy Frank. This conforms with the stereotypes of action films because the opening of our film enforces a feeling that you are suddenly thrown into the fray.
COSTUMES AND PROPS:  Our costumes were relatively simple, this is because the characters were in the drug industry, and they wouldn't be wearing any fancy clothing, also, the character  Lewis Hall is an ex military man, so he would be acting as ''undercover'', which means that his clothing would be similar to the drug dealers, but at the same time dividing himself from the crowd. Our only prop was a BB gun, which was seen at several parts of the film. This conforms with the conventions of action films because the costumes and props in crime films are relatively simple, and in some films, most of the characters just wear normal everyday clothing, or are either undercover cops, and in our case for filming we stuck to that idea as it was better for us.
TITLE FONT AND STYLE:  For our opening two minutes, we didn't include a title, this was mainly because we wanted to quickly introduce the characters, however, we did place a title on the YouTube video. This conforms with the conventions to action films because most of the time they are suddenly thrown into the scene.

Friday 13 February 2015

Addiction - final settings ( location )

Addiction- film diary of editing

Addiction - Film diary of editing. 

Day 1 - Uploading the Clips.

The editing process of our film was quite easy, mainly because we broke it down into several parts and edited each part separately, and then combined all of those parts at the end so that i could then apply the music and sound effects. However, in order to get the clips to work properly we had to find the right clips and separated them from the outtakes which took some time in its own right. Secondly, we had to upload the clips and place them in chronological order in order for it to be easy to find and edit, because if i was to upload the clips in a wrong order it would take a long time and would be a boring process which would be a waste of time. After doing this I eventually was able to cut down the clips and make sure that they fitted together perfectly, so that there was no weird or edgy cuts and to ensure that  some parts or sections of the clips aren't shown as it would ruin the opening two minutes of our film.

Day 2 - Editing the clips

in order for us to edit the clips, we had to put them on the timeline and then render them so that they would be smooth, and we watched the full clip to be able to view and understand what we needed to do, so this was really the starting point the the editing. After this, I cut down on as much waste shots as we had to to shorten the film as much as possible because we had quite a few clips which could have damaged the scene, also we had to delete some shots which we needed but didn't have space for, so we made up for this by using editing to cut from one character to another character, rather than having a prolonged time span for that character e.g. Lewis Hall walking towards the drug deal.

Day 3 - Adding music 

as the music was a big influence of the feeling in our film,  I decided that we should start editing the music as soon as the clips were sorted out, and cut out, the music was very difficult to find and I ended up changing the music several times because it didn't fit very well with the scene, for example i was originally going to just use one song throughout the whole clip, but ended up using at least 3 songs. I thought that the idea that three songs was good to use was because it could change the mood of the audience during the opening scene, rather than just having one boring song which doesn't fit perfectly. Another benefit to using more than one song was that it would adapt and fit into the mood of the scene, and which then would influence the audiences mood.

Day 4 - Sound effects

The sound effects were probably the trickiest part of the whole sound topic in the editing process, which was mainly due to the impact which it had to enhance, for example, trying to get the right timing for a punch sound effect when a punch was thrown into the clip, also, the sound effects were hard to find because there were many YouTube videos which talked about them, but did not include them, so I spent a good few hours trying to find the right sound effects. but luckily there was a video which had a link to some Non-Copyright sound effects which i then downloaded and used for the editing process, and although some sound effects did not fit (due to limitations), i was able to change the speed in which they are played so that they sound either heavier or lighter. 

Day 5 - Finish and Publish

After finishing editing the film, and making sure that everything was in place, i was able to finally save the video onto the computer and then was able to upload it and publish it on YouTube, however there were some errors which we came across and I had to edit the original video on Adobe Premier Elements 10 to add a Title, and deleted the video i uploaded before that and added the improved version a few weeks later. After that it was finished and available to view.

Addiction - film diary day 4 ieuan

Day 4: Once we had done the filming, we uploaded it to a computer and reviewed it to see what we had to do again and to when we went back to make sure we weren't locked in again we got a spare set of keys so we could lock and unlock the gate and Luke was available that day so we redid the meeting the scene and a few other parts we needed to do that day, this is because for our shot reverse shot, we had filmed off the wrong shoulder again, which we made that same mistake during our preliminary task, so we tried to correct that, and we got the shots done, but we decided that because of the amount of shots we had, we didn't really need to introduce the shot reverse shot, instead we decided that we would leave that shot out when we were doing the editing.

Addiction - film diary day 3 ieuan

Day 3: For day 3 we had to film what was left of the fight scene and the cliff hanger at the end of the film but we had a problem because Luke who played Andrew McGregor in our film was in another group and was just doing us a favour by being in our film and had to film with his group that day so we got Billy to film for us that day, he introduced us to some match on action shots which are evident towards the filming, also, this was one of our last days filming, so we had to concentrate to our full potential and be able to get as many clips as we could done in order for us to be in a secure section in our editing process, also we knew that we would have to leave a cliff hanger at some point, and is shown in our clip.

Addiction - Film diary day 2 ieuan

Day 2: For day 2 we decided to film the encounter between Lewis Hall and Filthy Frank once Andrew McGregor has left and when Lewis Hall starts to chase Filthy Frank and when Lewis Hall knocks over Andrew McGregor and threatens him with a gun and we filmed most of the fight scene but once it got too dark to film the rest of the scene so we had to leave but one of the staff had locked the gate not realizing that we were still in there so we had to climb out the back and walk along one of the fields to get out of the grounds. Also, because of the change in weather we had to rely mainly on time in order to get all of the clips that we needed in order to complete that section that day, but because it got dark quite quickly we ended up having to finish the actual filming another day, otherwise we would have been stuck with clips, the reason that we have a few shots in our opening two minutes of our film which were quite dark was because we decided that we had to do the shots then and also that we didn't have much time to film on that day, so all those factors made us re-shoot a couple of clips.

Addiction - Film diary day 1 - ieuan

Film Diary

Day 1: We decided to film in order of the events which took place so in the first day we filmed Lewis Hall first sighting the drug deal and approaching the scene and we did the part where you see Andrew McGregor walking towards Filthy Frank because we did five separate shots for that part to try and make it more interesting and capture where and how and where he was walking. We also filmed the conversation in the first day and the drug deal between Andrew McGregor and Filthy Frank, this was because we wanted to get this part done as soon as we could, because we needed to get some shots where Filthy Frank and Andrew would be having a conversation and we would try out several shots such as a shot reverse shot and we tried to follow along the basis that you needed to have them on the same shoulder angle, so that it was in a 180 degree angle. but we ended up trying several other shots in order for the immersion to be fully exposed to the camera.

Addiction- soundtrack analysis of action films

Addiction - Soundtrack analysis of action films.

The soundtrack analysis was relatively easy for us because in most action films we had to include quite intense music to quickly and easily introduce the characters into the opening two minutes, also, the soundtrack would heavily influence the mood which the audience should be placed into when they first start watching the movie. Our non-diegetic sound (i.e. music) would have to be relatively intense all throughout the opening as we needed to always have that mood that something is going to happen or that there will be a fight at some point, where the music would intensify even more and gradually stop, which is quite a basic thing to do considering most people do it but at the same time is also very graceful and effective for the audience, as it would build up the tension over time and suddenly stop and confuse everyone. We also used the music to surprise the audience, as suddenly there is tense music and next there is fast paced music which suddenly jumps the audience into the scene which the characters are in.

Also, in other action films such as The Raid, the music is slow at first and builds up over time like most action films, where it works with the action which is happening, e.g. at a fight scene the characters would be getting ready to fight, and then the music would start quiet, then the characters would start fighting and then the music would intensify throughout and then most likely suddenly stop. Most action film music is generally influenced by the genres of dub step and rock music, because generally both of those genres have fast paces music and play a big role in building up tension. 

Addiction - audience research

Audience Research

  Generally in Action films, the age group which views action films the most are around the age of 13 to around early 30's. this is usually due to the fact that there is a lot of explosions (Michael Bay) and a lot of fight scenes and almost always guns or weapons of some sort are included into the film, so this would attract (usually) males because of the violence that many males essentially want to have, and I can admit myself that i would be more likely to watch action films and horror films simply because of the fact that there is a lot of gore, fighting and violence throughout the film. 

Also, because our film is an Action/Crime film, we thought that our audience age would be an average of 15+ and maybe to the age of 40, however there are some things that dictate that our film may be for an younger audience, as it stereo-typically includes fighting and chase scenes which would assert the fact that our film would be preferred by this age group. 

Another thought that we had when making the film is that what we included into the opening two minutes would have a big impact on who would want to view our film, for example if we were to completely skip out the fight scene and chase scene and go straight a scene where the character would be in an interrogation room and the scene would just be two minute of that, it would be guaranteed to repel any younger audience because of the slow pace of the scene.

Also, in most crime films, there is a good mix of males and females as actors, so this would attract both sexes to watch the film because it would show equality. Also, the general age range for crime films is around 15- 40. This can be due to the fact that although they include some gore, they also contain some sort of action maybe a few fight scenes but they do not play an important role and so this would again repel a younger audience (most likely). 

Certificate Research

Certificate Research
Addiction will be rated a 15 because of its scenes of strong violence and drug use and strong use of language.
In the dialogue scene we have a bag of weed gets passed between two characters which make reference to drug use and we’ve use strong violence in the fight scene at the end of the clip.

Fight tutorial

The Fighting tutorial is part of our ideas for fighting tutorials and choreography. it is a part of a channel called indie action tutorials which show how to choreograph certain fights and action scenes. for our film trailer we needed to choreograph certain take-downs and strikes. and edit/render it so that within our film it looks good and as best as we can make it. we also looked at another tutorial for fighting scenes from the movie undisputed, a notable fighting movie which is known for its fighting scenes.  we also decided to put sound effects within our movie although we didn't watch a tutorial for this we just put non-copyright music within the movie trailer.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Film treatment

Film treatment:

Within our movie the plot begins with filthy frank and Lewis hall and Andrew macgregor having a drug deal, while filthy frank looks in the distance with a close-up shot angle of his facial expression being one of seriousness. Filthy frank is basically leading a gang drug deal with two ex-soldiers who basically end up within the criminal business for adrenalin kicks and to get the excitement which they experienced when they were in the war, during the first scene our protagonist Lewis hall is spying on filthy frank and Andrew mcgregor. after a while of waiting  Andrew mcgregor appears from around the building and slow walks towards filthy frank who then looks towards him. After filthy frank and Andrew mcgregor meet after a handshake they start talking, then Lewis hall tries to sneak up to a wooden barricade. whilst he is sneaking filthy frank gives Andrew the drugs, whilst Lewis cautiously watches after they shake hands whilst Andrew walks back around the building filthy frank goes up the stairs and then walks back down, whilst this is happening Lewis hall takes advantage decides to try and capture filthy frank.

However filthy frank notices Lewis hall and proceeds to run away in the direction of Andrew. the chase scene lasts a few seconds, where filthy frank bumps into Andrew and panics and continues running. Whilst the chase scene is happening Andrew notices people running towards his direction and decides to check it out. This is where filthy frank bumps into him.

Lewis hall sprints around the corner of the building in pursuit of filthy frank, but instead crashes into Andrew who is investigating the scene. Andrew is pushed to the floor where Lewis hall threatens him with a gun but decides he doesn't want to kill him as his main target is filthy frank.

As Lewis hall walks around another corner filthy frank grabs Lewis's arm which he is holding the gun with him, and slams him into the wall, then proceeds to throw him onto the ground and kick him. Andrew then gets up  and blocks a punch from filthy frank and takes on a few knees to the body. and then takes him down and hits him several times.

filthy frank picks up the gun Andrew dropped and whacks him around the head and concusses him for a few seconds, and then he stands up and points the gun at Andrew and then it fades out to our production credits.

Addiction Script

Addiction Script

Andrew McGregor: Hey yo what’s up man

Filthy Frank: Hey

Andrew McGregor: Got the stuff man

Filthy Frank: Yeah yeah yeah it’s not much man but I hope it does for you

Andrew McGregor: Pretty good stuff man

Filthy Frank: Yeah cool see you later.

Andrew McGregor: yeah see you

Addiction Screenplay.

Addiction Screenplay
The film starts off with the camera following Lewis Hall as he moves into position to confront Filthy Frank but then the camera moves to Andrew McGregor, who is walking towards Filthy Frank for a drug deal then the camera shows Filthy Frank looking towards Andrew McGregor then the camera goes back to Andrew McGregor as he continues to walk towards Filthy Frank.
For the first part we use a range of short and medium shots to establish the characters in the film and to capture what they’re doing.
The next part of the film is where Andrew McGregor and Filthy Frank meet up for a drug deal and for the encounter we use a close shot of the hand shake and a 180 reverse shot to capture the conversation.
The next part we get Andrew McGregor walking off and Filthy Frank looking towards Lewis Hall and for these shots we use a mix of close and medium shots.
As Filthy Frank looks towards Lewis Hall, the camera follows Lewis Hall standing up and pointing a gun at Filthy Frank and for this shot we use a close up shot looking down Lewis Halls arm to show the gun pointing at Filthy Frank and then Filthy Frank runs off and Lewis Hall peruses him and the camera follows behind Lewis Hall and then skips to a medium shot facing the wall to show both Filthy Frank and Lewis Hall running past and then skips to a long shot facing up showing Filthy Franks and Lewis Halls feet running.
The next shot shows Andrew McGregor walking away and looking back when he hears Filthy Frank running and for this shot we use a medium shot and then the shot switches around to show Filthy Frank run past and run into Andrew McGregor and for that shot we use a close up shot following Andrew McGregor. Then we see Lewis Hall run into Andrew McGregor pushing him on the ground and for this shot we use a medium shot follow Lewis Hall and we use another medium shot to show Andrew McGregor being pushed on the ground then we use a reverse close up shot’s and a long shot to show Lewis Hall threatening Andrew McGregor with the gun while he’s on the ground and then Lewis Hall running off and then the camera follows Andrew McGregor as he runs away.

The next shot is a medium shot following Lewis Hall as walks around a corner and then Filthy Frank is there waiting for him and then that breaks out into a fight scene and we use close, medium and long shots to capture the fight then once Filthy Frank hits Lewis Hall round the head with the gun and he goes down and we use a following close up shot to get Lewis Hall falling to the ground and then we use reverse close up shot to get Lewis Hall being threatened by Filthy Frank with the gun and then there is a sound of a gunshot and then the film skips to the title sequence.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Influence On Production.

Influence On Production:


our influence on the production of our film was varied, we had different influences, some of it was primarily drug deal scenes from other movies, such as scarface a notable movie which includes a Cuban drug lord who comes to Miami in hopes of becoming a powerful drug kingpin, we also had influences from military films such as Rambo as at least two of our protagonists are ex military and get involved within the drug deal for the adrenalin factor mostly, and because they get scarred from the war and become traumatized as a result.


another influence on our production was for some of the characters we were influenced by comedian and you tuber filthy frank- not his real name, so we called one our characters with the same name, as we thought it would sound good and appropriate for our movie. also we were influenced by games such as grand theft auto 4 and generally just stereotypical eastern European gangsters when we decided to include Lithuanians as part of our cast. for the different scenes as part of our trailer such as the fight scenes we were influenced by fight films such as Undisputed 2, way of the dragon and blood and bone, although the fight scenes pale in comparison to the said movies we tried to emulate some of the fighting moves/choreography used.


more influence on our production we tried to include some humor from you tube videos we watched as part of our outtakes and fails before we edited and rendered, so this meant at first we messed around a bit before actually filming but afterwards got down to the nitty-gritty of the filming itself,


Thursday 22 January 2015

Storyboard – pictures animated with music

In order to create the storyboard, i first drew our initial ideas onto paper, and included the camera angles and a basis of our sound used, whether that would be diegetic or non diegetic. When i eventually came to editing the pictures, i added transfers from each picture so that it looked a lot smoother, also i added music to this clip to make it smoother.

Initially, i had to draw in relatively fine detail for the storyboard to look good, but because the plot changed, i eventually had to redraw everything and edit the storyboard in order for it to make sense.

Friday 16 January 2015

production Credits/ practice title 2

this idea was initially going to be the second intro cover to our opening two minutes, however we voted that the first two pictures are more suitable for our genre. However, this picture is quite good because the quality is a bit higher than the first initial idea for our cover photo, although it seems less fitting for the fighting and chasing of our film. this title was mainly influenced by the fact that mountains are generally more appealing to the eye, and it would be easily immersive to the audience, because of the vast landscape.


For clothing Filthy Frank will be wearing a short sleeve white shirt with many buttons undone and a tracksuit or jeans and trainers. 

Andrew McGregor would be wearing a cheap hoodie with jeans or tracksuit and trainers. 

Lewis Hall wears a shirt or t-shirt with a white and blue huntsman jacket and tracksuits or jeans with trainers.
For Filthy Frank we’re going for a classic drug dealer look with the cheap, out of fashion shirt and them not really caring how they come across.

For Andrew McGregor we’re going for a junkie look for someone who doesn’t have much money for clothes and only cares about their next high.

For Lewis Hall we’re going for quite a tough, masculine look but still formal and decent while doing it and someone who cares how they look.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Diary of filming/ editing with photos and screen grabs

This video below is the first part of our journey to Guildford to do the filming for our opening two minutes, we were walking towards Leatherhead train station in order to get to Guildford.

The second video is a brief description of our journey from other people's perspectives, 10 or so minutes further.

The video furthest at the bottom is talking about the train journey. Unfortunately we got on the wrong train and ended up spending 2 hours in pouring rain ( which was fun ). Eventually we got to our destination and the weather started to clear up where we were able to dry our clothes and then proceed to film. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Production Credits/ practice titles 1

This is the first production image idea, hopefully it applies the applies the aspect of fighting which is a big part of our opening two minutes, the water also symbolizes flowing movement, e.g. chase scenes. The image displayed is showing a man performing a strike. which is a big part in our opening two minutes, as we have a fight scene which lasts for a quarter of the opening. and fighting is a big part of our genre as we are doing a action/ crime style film. 

The first production credits were mainly influenced by other fight movies, such as the raid, which is a great martial arts/action movie, and also was influenced by a yin and yang style background, showing fire and water clashing, as there is a lot of conflict between the two main characters, Lewis hall and filthy frank.