Wednesday 18 March 2015

Evaluation task 6

Technologies from the process of constructing our product:

The technologies which are involved in the process of us constructing our product involve a camera, computer

From using the computer we used such programmers as adobe premiere elements to render and edit the film footage. We also used adobe premiere elements to add in music to our trailer, and we also used it to put in title sequences and credits however in the end we chose not to put in that many credits, because of personal preference, we only mainly put the title of our movie in.  And we also got rid of any outtakes we had as we would not need this as it wasn't part of the actual film so therefore it was cut out and deleted in total we had over 150 outtakes. We also used YouTube as another programme we would use YouTube to upload the videos of our footage and the actual trailer itself on to Richards account. as well as that we also used blogger to upload the editing and the different shots of our film, we use blogger to also publish the film trailer and make sure it is up to scratch.

another technology we used was the camera we used to film the actual footage of our trailer/film at first when we used the camera when we filmed in Guildford, it ran out of charge/battery easily, so therefore we previously had to use Ieuan's phone to take footage, next time we filmed in oxshott instead of Guildford and London as in London the abandoned hospital we originally had wanted to film in would most likely be closed and Guildford the trains kept on cancelling so we decided it would be easier to film in oxshott. Overall it was more efficient to film in oxshott. And our camera generally was alright to use, we also used a tripod along with the camera to take different angles and shots, such as close-up shots, mid-shots and birds-eye-view shots. The camera generally was simple and easy to use. However if the charge was more efficient it could have been even better. The tripod would help steady the camera for the film trailer and the different shots and camera angles and composition. This would help make it more professional and reduce the chances of the camera shaking or any inaccuracies with the shots.

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