Friday 13 February 2015

Addiction - audience research

Audience Research

  Generally in Action films, the age group which views action films the most are around the age of 13 to around early 30's. this is usually due to the fact that there is a lot of explosions (Michael Bay) and a lot of fight scenes and almost always guns or weapons of some sort are included into the film, so this would attract (usually) males because of the violence that many males essentially want to have, and I can admit myself that i would be more likely to watch action films and horror films simply because of the fact that there is a lot of gore, fighting and violence throughout the film. 

Also, because our film is an Action/Crime film, we thought that our audience age would be an average of 15+ and maybe to the age of 40, however there are some things that dictate that our film may be for an younger audience, as it stereo-typically includes fighting and chase scenes which would assert the fact that our film would be preferred by this age group. 

Another thought that we had when making the film is that what we included into the opening two minutes would have a big impact on who would want to view our film, for example if we were to completely skip out the fight scene and chase scene and go straight a scene where the character would be in an interrogation room and the scene would just be two minute of that, it would be guaranteed to repel any younger audience because of the slow pace of the scene.

Also, in most crime films, there is a good mix of males and females as actors, so this would attract both sexes to watch the film because it would show equality. Also, the general age range for crime films is around 15- 40. This can be due to the fact that although they include some gore, they also contain some sort of action maybe a few fight scenes but they do not play an important role and so this would again repel a younger audience (most likely). 

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