Thursday 22 January 2015

Storyboard – pictures animated with music

In order to create the storyboard, i first drew our initial ideas onto paper, and included the camera angles and a basis of our sound used, whether that would be diegetic or non diegetic. When i eventually came to editing the pictures, i added transfers from each picture so that it looked a lot smoother, also i added music to this clip to make it smoother.

Initially, i had to draw in relatively fine detail for the storyboard to look good, but because the plot changed, i eventually had to redraw everything and edit the storyboard in order for it to make sense.

Friday 16 January 2015

production Credits/ practice title 2

this idea was initially going to be the second intro cover to our opening two minutes, however we voted that the first two pictures are more suitable for our genre. However, this picture is quite good because the quality is a bit higher than the first initial idea for our cover photo, although it seems less fitting for the fighting and chasing of our film. this title was mainly influenced by the fact that mountains are generally more appealing to the eye, and it would be easily immersive to the audience, because of the vast landscape.


For clothing Filthy Frank will be wearing a short sleeve white shirt with many buttons undone and a tracksuit or jeans and trainers. 

Andrew McGregor would be wearing a cheap hoodie with jeans or tracksuit and trainers. 

Lewis Hall wears a shirt or t-shirt with a white and blue huntsman jacket and tracksuits or jeans with trainers.
For Filthy Frank we’re going for a classic drug dealer look with the cheap, out of fashion shirt and them not really caring how they come across.

For Andrew McGregor we’re going for a junkie look for someone who doesn’t have much money for clothes and only cares about their next high.

For Lewis Hall we’re going for quite a tough, masculine look but still formal and decent while doing it and someone who cares how they look.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Diary of filming/ editing with photos and screen grabs

This video below is the first part of our journey to Guildford to do the filming for our opening two minutes, we were walking towards Leatherhead train station in order to get to Guildford.

The second video is a brief description of our journey from other people's perspectives, 10 or so minutes further.

The video furthest at the bottom is talking about the train journey. Unfortunately we got on the wrong train and ended up spending 2 hours in pouring rain ( which was fun ). Eventually we got to our destination and the weather started to clear up where we were able to dry our clothes and then proceed to film. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Production Credits/ practice titles 1

This is the first production image idea, hopefully it applies the applies the aspect of fighting which is a big part of our opening two minutes, the water also symbolizes flowing movement, e.g. chase scenes. The image displayed is showing a man performing a strike. which is a big part in our opening two minutes, as we have a fight scene which lasts for a quarter of the opening. and fighting is a big part of our genre as we are doing a action/ crime style film. 

The first production credits were mainly influenced by other fight movies, such as the raid, which is a great martial arts/action movie, and also was influenced by a yin and yang style background, showing fire and water clashing, as there is a lot of conflict between the two main characters, Lewis hall and filthy frank.